We are currently conducting a research study that seeks to understand the effects of the pandemic on people receiving home ventilation services and their caregivers. If you are a person currently using a BPAP or ventilator through the PNAVD or an affiliated center (or a caregiver of such a patient, of a child, or of someone who passed away during the pandemic), we are interested in understanding your experiences and perspectives regarding health services during the pandemic. If you would like to learn more about this study, please click on this link. If you are a healthcare professional, please click here:
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On Saturday, June 13th 2015, a team from the NPHVA completed the Walk for Muscular Dystrophy in Laval. Friends and colleagues helped raise $500 for this wonderful cause and allowed the NPHVA to become a recognized member of the Muscular Dystrophy Canada Association.
Our team would like to thank everyone who contributed generously to this cause. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Desgagné, the mother of Claude Desgagné (an NPHVA patient), who walked with our team and even recruited two more walkers. This event was extremely well organized and it was a fun-filled day appreciated by all participants. The NPHVA moved today - Monday, June 8th.
Please note that from now on all correspondance should be sent to our new address: National Program for Home Ventilatory Assistance (NPHVA) 3801 University Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2B4 IMPORTANT - Our phone number and fax number have not changed. Our email adresses have not changed.
![]() Mark the date in your calendars, dear readers! The 28th Opération Enfant Soleil Telethon will be held on June 6 and 7, 2015, at the ExpoCité Pavillon de la jeunesse in Québec, and will be aired live on TVA at 9 p.m. Furthermore, if you visit Opération Enfant Soleil’s website (http://www.operationenfantsoleil.ca/), you will see a photo of an adorable girl who was one of our pediatric patients at the NPHVA, the precious Kim Huard. Diagnosed with congenital myopathy, little Kim succumbed to her illness at the tender age of 1. That’s why the telethon encourages us all to donate straight from the heart to help sick children in Québec. Please be a link in this chain of solidarity to make a difference, because little miracles do not happen on their own! Since we are discussing donations, we would like to mention the magnificent gift our program received from Kim Huard’s parents. Nadine and Yannick Huard, along with their daughter Jade, donated $3000 to the NPHVA Foundation on the 14th of May, 2015. We would like to express our deepest gratitude and say a heartfelt thank you for this contribution that will assist us in providing quality respiratory care to our patients. The NPHVA team did the ''Ice Bucket Challenge'' in front of the Montreal Chest Institute today. We would like to thank Mrs. Kathleen Cumming, an ALS patient for joining us at this event. We would like to nominate the Ottawa Hospital CANVent program and our Satellite Centers in Quebec, Laval, Laurentides and Sherbrooke to take up the challenge. Please give generously to the ALS Society of Quebec: https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/donate.aspx?EventID=153964&LangPref=en-CA&Referrer=http%3a%2f%2fsla-quebec.ca%2f ![]() This past May, certain members of the NPHVA team attended the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists educational conference at the Queen Elizabeth Fairmont Hotel. At this 50th Anniversary Conference, our team members discussed different modes of ventilation and the respiratory management of pediatric patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Congratulations on a job well done! ![]() On Victoria Day weekend, a few members of the NPHVA team let loose and completed the 5K Color Me Rad Run near the Olympic Stadium. Splashed in waves of color, everyone had a great time and even took this picture as proof of how much fun they had throughout the race! Already the first official day of summer and things are heating up at the NPHVA! Following the MS Walk under cloudy/rainy skies, we raised a grand total of $3205.00 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. A big thank you to all the team members and to those who made a donation.
June is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS – Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Awareness month. The ALS Society of Canada and the provincial societies offer a wealth of information on this condition on their web sites and highlight many upcoming activities. To all our patients living with this disease, your health and well-being are always on our minds. The NPHVA team would like to wish you all a very happy St-Jean, a very happy Canada Day and some very happy summer holidays! :)
NPHVAThe National Program for Home Ventilatory Assistance has been at the forefront of quality respiratory care for patients all across the province of Quebec. Archives
Avril 2023